The Pillars of Restoration

Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings. Isaiah 58:12

#RestitutionNow​ Campaign

The rebuilding of the family is essential to creating a culture of respectability, fairness and integrity in Black America and the restoration of fatherhood is vital to the family.

In March 1965, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a sociologist at the time, issued a report - The Negro Family: A Case for National Action. In that report, Moynihan warned of a looming catastrophe for the Black family concluding that “Three centuries of injustice have brought about deep-seated structural distortions in the life of the Negro America”. Few Black leaders at that time agreed that intervention was needed to correct the distortions. Moynihan warned that Black men were being alienated from their roles as husbands and fathers in the family.

Today, the government reports are that more than 72% of Black children grow up in single parent female headed households and the case for national action remains.

Download The State of the Black Family In America, a report by the Marriage and Religion Research Institute.

A close up of two hands with the words " pillar one : sanctity of life ".
A group of people sitting on top of a couch.
A man and two children are reading books.