I Am Outraged. I Am Incensed. Remember Tonya Reaves.
As I am writing this post and it has been a while since I have posted something, I am outraged, absolutely incensed! I am also so very tired of the duplicity and subterfuge of the abortion industry in general and Planned Parenthood in particular. Planned Parenthood has long used infant and maternal mortality rates of the black community to justify the construction of their abortion dens in urban areas where blacks reside. They have told their foot soldiers to cite historical disparities whenever the black prolife community refers to the numbers of abortions on black women. Call for an end to the disparities they are told, so that they are controlling the conversation. There is one disparity however, they want to make sure quickly dies in the media. There is one disparity they are furiously working to bury. On Friday, July 20, 2012, there was death and mayhem across America. A mad man took the lives of at least 12, and injured 58. But there was more mayhem in America on that same day. A young 24 year old mother, daughter, sister who thought she was having one of the “safest medical procedures provided in the United States and Canada today” died. Her name was Tonya Reaves. Tonya went to the Planned Parenthood on 18 S. Michigan Ave in Chicago and did not return home. Instead she was transported to a hospital where she “died of a hemorrhage and her pregnancy was a contributing factor”. Nowhere was it mentioned that Planned Parenthood’s failure to exercise reasonable medical care was the cause of her death. All across America there is a wake of women who like Tonya, have been reproductively maimed or killed by Planned Parenthood or one of the other many abortionists that hold themselves out as providing safe choices for women. As anti-life forces were urged to do in a Congressional Black Caucus, Pro-Choice Caucus briefing at the United States Capital on May 10, 2012, Mary Mitchell, of the Chicago Sun Times, one of the pro-abortion “friendly” media members, turned the conversation away from the death of Tonya Reaves at the hands of a Planned Parenthood abortionist. Instead of focusing on the lack of reasonable medical care in the abortion industry she began to shift the focus toward the billboards and other education tools the black pro-life community has used to educate about abortion’s genocidal impact in the black community. She shamelessly, while accusing the pro-life community of attempting to make Ms. Reaves our poster child for life, began the fast track of painting Planned Parenthood and abortion as the injured victims. Shame on her and shame on them! Before the Reaves family can even mourn their loss and lay their family member to rest, Planned Parenthood has begun their spin, washing their hands of their negligence and participation in Tonya’s death. This issue is not about choice. It is not about a woman making a “heart wrenching” decision about an extremely private procedure” as Mary wants us to believe. For years now the pro-abortion community has marched, chanted, and screamed when there has been any attempt to regulate abortion, the most unregulated surgical procedure in the nation. Any attempts to ensure abortionists are giving women the reasonable measure of care we have come to expect for any other surgical procedure are met with resistance and demonstrations. Yet, the 2011 Guttmacher Institute report Facts on Induced Abortion in the United States, stated that “fewer than 0.3% of abortion patients experience a complication that requires hospitalization”. That minimal percentage actually translates into at least 3,000 women requiring hospitalization in each of the years that abortion reached 1.2 million or higher which has been the case since 1977. So in 35 years that would mean more than 100,000 women have been injured. Even if we only counted those injured since the issuance of the 1999 report Guttmacher is citing, we are looking at more than 42,000 women. I wonder who considers that a reasonable number because I certainly don’t. I think the average woman does not know that: “the risk of death associated with abortion increases with the length of pregnancy, from one death for every one million abortions at or before eight weeks to one per 29,000 at 16–20 weeks—and one per 11,000 at 21 or more weeks” and I doubt the abortionist informs the woman of this potentially life impacting fact before he does the procedure. According to Guttmacher about nineteen percent of the approximately 1.2 million abortions each year are performed on women who are sixteen or more weeks pregnant. Each year then we can expect seven to eight deaths of the mother. Again, I do not think this is reasonable, especially for the families whose loved one has died. Let’s keep it real, Planned Parenthood is spitting in our face and calling it rain and they really believe we don’t know the difference. No this is not about choice. This is about the healthcare disparities Planned Parenthood has long inflicted upon black women all across America. This is about the failure of an organization that holds itself out as a champion of women, to champion reasonable health care for women of color. Wake up America. We have genocide within the shores of the nation that was long thought of as the shining light on the hill. We have dressed the genocide up in the clothing of women’s rights while the population control enthusiasts kill our babies, our daughters, our mothers. I am outraged, more than incensed . . .