Death of a Black Woman, Ugly Black Babies – Who Cares?

Some of you that know me recognize that my life’s work for the past five years has been to end abortion. I have crisscrossed the country speaking in every venue that was opened to me. I have met leaders of ministries, public speakers, educators, and people from every walk of life and when able, I shared about abortion’s devastation in the Black community. I watched some eyes glaze over as they shook their heads at me proclaiming no matter what, they are pro-“choice”. I have watched other eyes widen in disbelief, stunned to learn the actual numbers of abortions on black women and the racial overtones so deeply embedded in the abortion industry. Still, some have walked away unconvinced, but at least willing to learn more.

I have debated pro-abortion advocates that included members of organizations like SisterSong, the National Action Network, and members of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice. I have stood in opposition to state and federal legislators, black and white, that have embraced the doctrines of Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion forces, each time spotlighting abortion’s genocidal impact. I have heard the gamut of arguments for abortion on demand. But the recent twists and turns in the debate are becoming more disturbing. In the past three months more information has been divulged than in the past six years of my research and my internal alarms are shrieking as I see more and more black women being pushed toward the death traps set by the abortionists.

In May of this year, women of the Congressional Black Caucus and Pro-Choice Caucus hosted a briefing called “African Americans’ Attitudes on Abortion, Contraception, and Reproductive, Justice: From Public Opinion to Policymaking,” that I have discussed in a previous blog. Every attendee walked away with a clear understanding that the pro-abortion legislators were pushing black women toward abortion by more deeply imbedding their population control agenda in the dogma of a the black woman’s lack of access to reproductive healthcare. To say that I was stunned is an understatement. When I heard these black elected officials declaring their allegiance to those who promote the leading cause of death for blacks I felt betrayed, because these are the ones that declare themselves the “conscience of the Congress”. These are they who project themselves as watchmen, guarding against any policy that would prove detrimental to those who elected them to serve. Yet, these are they who readily locked arms with Planned Parenthood and others who seek to control the black birthrate.

And then in July, young Tonya Reaves was killed in an abortion center in Chicago. New information reveals that the S. Michigan Ave facility was not equipped to do a late term abortion. Their website lists the services provided at the Loop Health Center as that location is known and none of those services include a late term surgical abortion. In fact, the site clearly states those procedures are only completed in two of their facilities: the
Near North (1200 N. LaSalle Street, Chicago) and Aurora (3051 E. New York Street, Aurora) health centers. This information causes me to wonder if this is the reason an ambulance was not called to transport Tonya for medical assistance and I wonder if the local news report that she was transported by a fire deparment ambulance is accurate since there does not appear to be a record of a call for an ambulance to the 18 S. Michigan address (

And then there was the release of this video: Abortionist Ron Virami “Ugly Black Babies” I wonder if any of these events is enough to wake us from the stupor of “abortion is a question of women’s rights. For years a warning has been sounded that abortion is a tool being used to control the birth rate of blacks. For years, there have been reports of the racially insidious agenda being wielded by those that support abortion. Now there is “proof” that the pro-life community has not been blowing smoke with regard to the genocide within America’s shores. Death of a Black Woman, Ugly Black Babies, who cares? I care. And I pray that everyone reading this will care enough to help shut this industry down so no more “ugly black babies” or their mothers will be sacrificed on the altar of abortion. Defund Planned Parenthood. End genocide in America now.