I am Outraged. I am Incensed Times Two.
I received this comment on my most recent blog, I Am Outraged. I Am Incensed, about the death of Tonya Reaves from someone named Kathi: “While this is a very sad death, the number of women who experience complications or die during an abortion procedure are a lot less than the number of women who have complications or die during pregnancy! Amnesty International reports that at least 2 women die EVERY DAY in the US due to pregnancy.“ I have waited to comment so that I would not be flippant with Kathi. I have waited to write because I did not want to do this out of anger. I have spent this time trying to convince myself that Kathi really believes that her comment is somehow relevant to this discussion and she is not just another rabidly pro-abortion advocate that supports the abortion at all costs ideology. And then I received this news from CBS in Chicago: “Reaves had the abortion – formally called a “D and E” or dilation and evacuation procedure – at Planned Parenthood at 18 S. Michigan Ave. at 11 a.m., according to documents. After the procedure, she was suffering bleeding, and a Fire Department ambulance took her to Northwestern Memorial Hospital at 4:30 p.m.” I am just stunned and crushed. For five and one half hours Tonya lay in the Planned Parenthood on 18 S. Michigan in Chicago with her life’s blood pouring out of her. And Planned Parenthood clearly – did -nothing – to save her life. They did not even check her to determine why she was bleeding so profusely. They couldn’t have – because once at the hospital Tonya underwent a second D and E procedure. This means the abortion done by Planned Parenthood was incomplete. Not only had they left parts of Tonya’s baby in her but later the emergency room physician, through a second ultra sound discovered her uterus had been perforated as well, but now it was too late to save her life. Kathi, I cannot imagine the horror Tonya faced as she realized how great the injury she had suffered was. I cannot imagine her thoughts as she slipped away, unable to be resuscitated because Planned Parenthood cared so little for her life that they held her in their abortion den until the lifesaving aid that was being rendered by a leading Trauma unit in Chicago was not enough to bring her back from the brink of death toward which they had pushed her. I cannot imagine that you or anyone else can compare this butchery with the trauma that is sometimes experienced in the natural process of childbirth. I am outraged. I am incensed times two. Substandard medical care is the order of the day with Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers– especially when dealing with black women. In their population control and eugenic enthusiasm they routinely injure and sometimes kill women. In their arrogance they believe they can simply change the conversation and none of us will notice the trail of reproductive destruction that is sister to the always death generating practice of abortion. May God have mercy on us if we allow this to continue.
Tags: abortion, Planned Parenthood, Tonya Reaves