New York, New York… What a Deadly Town
It has been a while since I blogged. I have been deep into writing my book, The Fight for Life, Taking it to the Streets. But I had a recent experience that has caused me to set the book aside for a day to write about a New York that has become foreign to me.
Back in the day, the really cool kids skipped school, jumped into Cynthia Bowser’s mustang and rode to New York to eat chicken and waffles at Sylvia’s on 125th street. Our biggest worry back then was whether we would get caught and grounded or worse, a whipping. We never did get caught so our trips were frequent and the taste of the chicken and waffles was sweet. When Chris Slattery of New York’s Expectant Mother Centers offered to take us to Sylvia’s, I was glad to go hoping the visit would evoke pleasant memories of those sweet chicken and waffles breakfasts we had enjoyed back then. Unfortunately, it did not. Mostly because things are always better in memory than reality and also because our purpose for being in New York weighed heavy on my heart. We were not skipping school as we had back in the day, but were there to rally black Pastor’s and leaders to address an awful piece of legislation that would deprive women of an alternative to abortion.
In a city known as the abortion capitol of America, one would think that any help that might be offered to a pregnant woman would be welcomed. Not so in New York City. The blood lusting machine of abortion is not satisfied that forty percent of the pregnancies in the City end in abortion – they want more. The money making machine of the abortionist is not satisfied that seventy nine percent of the abortions in the City are performed on black and Latino women. They want more. The eugenics loving machine of abortion is not satisfied that more black babies are aborted in the City than are born alive. They want more. The elitists of the City are not sad that 3.4 million black and latino babies have died in New York since the early 1970s. They want more.
In order to make sure they get more, NARAL, Planned Parenthood and others have joined together in a macabre dance with New York City Council members Kathleen Quinn and Jennifer Lapin, to propose a bill (#371) that would require pregnancy centers to post notices that they do not perform abortions or distribute birth control. Why is this seemingly innocuous requirement troublesome? It is troublesome because the abortionist wants to deter any woman seeking help with her pregnancy from getting it. They know that women going into one of the pregnancy centers more likely than not will decide to keep her child and this decision goes against what the abortionist deems as choice. No matter how far along a woman is in her pregnancy, the abortion hungry industry encourages the abortion rather than one of the other options such as keeping the baby or adoption.
All across America, cities are tracking to catch and/or surpass New York in the area of abortion. The numbers are astounding, shocking, and in many places undeterred because the culture has become so desensitized to death by abortion. Very few question why Planned Parenthood’s business model continues to escalate the numbers of abortions being performed as they build larger and larger facilities in which to perform them. Very few question why NARAL and other abortion proponents refuse to tell women the dire consequences of abortion – infertility, cancer and even death as they strategize on ways to increase the numbers of abortions being performed. Very few question the National Abortion Federation and Planned Parenthood ads to draw black women into their clinics “for free” services under the guise of choice. As this most recent attack against pregnancy centers reveals, the pro-abortion forces consider “choice” to be “choice” only when it ends in the death of the child even if it includes the death of the woman as was the case with Alexandra Nunez just about a year ago.
Sylvia’s food did not taste quite as sweet on this visit to New York. With my own eyes, I saw that Leonard Bernstein’s New York is indeed a “helluva town” for black and latino babies that die at the abortionist’s hand. Unlike Frank Sinatra’s New York, black and latino babies cannot “make it there”. Their mothers are being enticed into the clinics where they obtain the “excellent results” the abortionist advertises in latino papers throughout the City – the death of their baby. May God hear our prayers and stir the hearts of Pastors and Leaders across the City to rise up and take a stand before the abortionist succeeds in killing all the babies of New York. Perhaps on my next visit, the bill(#371) will have died so I can again enjoy Sylvias’ chicken and waffles. May God make it so.
Tags: abortion, New York, Planned Parenthood