A group of women with their faces in different positions.

Reclaiming our Voices

The battle for life has worn many faces since 1987, when I felt compelled to join this fight. Back then, the debate fixated on the viability of the baby, with some dismissing pregnancy as an “irreparable injury” to women.
Shortly after Alan Guttmacher, former Planned Parenthood president, labeled the baby as merely “a potential life,” the narrative shifted. The child became a “blob of tissue,” a “fetus,” or just the “product of conception”—nothing more than a part of a woman’s body, like an appendix or tonsils, and just as disposable. Today, even as the industry acknowledges the baby is undeniably a baby—not a puppy, as one abortionist disturbingly compared it, it insists that the baby’s rights remain subordinate to the mother’s, reduced to her right to choose.
Across America, women of all backgrounds are stepping forward to speak on issues impacting Black women, from family to abortion. While Black women have historically faced systemic barriers, especially in healthcare, it’s time to amplify their voices in empowering spaces that honor informed choices rather than perpetuate divisive and damaging narratives.
The Reclaiming Our Voices initiative marks the beginning of a vital restoration—a movement to uphold life-affirming principles for Black women and their children. Let’s reclaim the narrative, rooted in truth, dignity, and the value of every life.


​“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

The first unalienable right is the right to life. It is time America takes steps to enforce the provisions of the nation’s founding documents by reaffirming this right, and providing infant life in the womb the 14th Amendment’s equal protection and due process.

A group of babies sitting in diapers with the text " how to exist, it's not for you."
A woman holding her baby in a sling.

The science of making a child is amazing!

Once conception takes place, a wholly unique new person is created. Mother and child, two separate and distinct persons. Morally and criminally, no person has the right to take innocent life.

​The unique human being created from conception is a gift. Decades of decline in fertility have resulted in an absence of newborns in our culture. Once created, we should cherish that life. Abortion returns the gift of life unopened. America should recognize just how precious the gift of life is by affirming the inalienable right to life and affording all innocent life in the womb equal protection and due process – PERSONHOOD NOW.

A person holding something in their hand with the words " we are the same ".
A black background with the words " be afraid. Be very afraid ".

In this political environment, where a presidential candidate is strongly advocating for abortion and used the death of Amber Thurman to promote it, the billboard company refuses to place this billboard, calling it a negative ad. Any reference to the abortion pill would not be allowed on their platform, even if the messaging is true. It remains important, however, that the message get out, warning women of the pill's danger.