Take Action
1) You can copy this letter, sign it and send to one or all:
The Honorable Mike Johnson
The Speaker of the House of Representatives
568 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC, 20515-1804
Congressman Jim Jordan, Chairman
House of Representatives Judiciary Committee
2138 Rayburn House Building
Washington, DC 20515
The Declaration of Independence guarantees every American the inalienable right to life. The 14th Amendment reinforces this with equal protection and due process under the law. And after more than a century of segregation, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlawed Government involvement and participation in racial discrimination.
Yet, Planned Parenthood has openly admitted to privileging whiteness and contributing to the harm of Black women—all while taking taxpayer dollars. Their actions are a direct violation of the very rights this nation claims to uphold.
This is not healthcare. This is systemic racism, funded by the government.
We stand with the National Black Pro-Life Coalition in demanding the immediate defunding of Planned Parenthood. Not one more taxpayer dollar should be spent financing the destruction of Black lives.
2) Contact your Congressmen and Senators urging them to join the request for an investigation and defunding of Planned Parenthood.
3) Contact at least ten others and encourage them to join the movement to stop the targeting of black women and their babies. Host discussions concerning #RestitutionNow in your homes or appropriate forums.
4) Screen Maafa21 in your Church, home or other venue and follow up with the #RestitutionNow information.
5) Circulate the graphics on the Resource page on your social media.